Last week I was performing a session on myself. I do this on a regular basis to make sure that I am cleared of imbalances. As I was asking questions of my subconscious, I stumbled upon the chart for Walls. In the Body Code, this shows up under Emotions/Heart Wall. For me, this is an indicator that prompts me to be open-minded.

I found out a long time ago that the body will create walls anywhere there is a need for them. That means if your Heart is under attack, it will create a Heart-Wall. If your Kidney is under attack, you’ll get a Kidney-Wall. This applies to all organs, glands or even Chakras and Acupuncture Meridians. In fact, it can apply to just about anything in your life that needs some protection according to your subconscious.

So, when I came to that chart, I was surprised when I didn’t get the normal answers to my queries. Usually, I ask, “Is this a Heart Wall?”, usually “No”. Then I ask, “Is this a wall around something else?” Then I use my Ultimate Healer charts to find out where it is located. Sometimes I find that I have a Barrier instead of a Wall. That puzzled me at first until I came to realize that a Wall keeps others out and a Barrier keeps you out of something. This time, it was a Barrier that was not just keeping me out … it was keeping me IN! 

You need to understand that I’ve done over 4500 sessions since I started doing this work full time in 2015. That’s a lot of sessions! I have also experienced a lot of situations that I learn from … almost every day or at least every week. BUT, I never thought I’d add to my “Wall/Barrier” info in this manner. Of course, it makes perfect sense, but it was the first time I’d ever run across this. Not only was this something that was keeping me out, but I also found that I was lacking the needed emotions to escape this barrier.

That was new! I LACKED EMOTIONS! When I find myself in these situations, I start asking the subconscious via muscle testing a series of questions until I find the answers. When I run out of questions, I start asking if there isn’t something similar in my collection of charts I use in the Ultimate Healer program. 

To my astonishment, I had a chart that worked! It is my Negative Emotions with Polar Opposites chart. This is a chart I designed in 2015 to help me identify the positive emotions that I need to give to a client after a negative emotion has been removed. For example, the release of Rejection can prompt the gift of Accepted, Loved, Cherished, Favored and Invited. I return 5 positives to help counter the negative emotions that I release. I don’t do that every time, in fact, I rarely use it unless prompted as I do the work. However, the chart existed and my body told me to use this chart.

In the end, I had to gift myself 5 positive emotions to enable me to “Climb” out and over the barrier I was dealing with. What a concept! 

I now call this a Reverse Wall … instead of releasing imbalanced energies, I now gift positive energies to lift the vibration to escape the barrier/wall. It makes you think … what other barriers do I have that require positives to be added to raise my frequencies?

To Find out more about Walls, I invite you to watch or listen to the MasterMind Series. The Class on “Breaking Through The Heart Wall” is in Season 2 of the MasterMind Series. You can find all Seasons at

Anyone is welcome to join the class every 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 7 p.m. (CST) when we have different topics on Energy Healing. There is no charge for these pieces of training and all replays are also available at no cost. You will have to create an account, again no cost to you, and “purchase” the seasons in the store. You will receive a receipt for each item “purchased”, but you see that you were not charged for that item and the cost was “0.00”.

I hope you enjoy your classes! Tom 🙂